Registration information for current students is accessible in myGeneva.
Current students begin web registration by class according to the chart listed on myGeneva. Returning transient, study abroad, and readmitted students must contact their advisor for registration assistance.
Admissions will communicate with new freshmen and new transfers about registration.
Prospective students who desire to apply for admission should click on Admissions (or call 724-847-6500).
Prospective teacher certification students should contact the Education Department (724-847-6535).
Transient students (visitors) from other schools should contact the Registrar's Office for information at
In accordance with Public Law 110-315 enacted August 14, 2008 (Higher Education Opportunity Act), Geneva College will provide readmission services to former students as follows: Students having missed more than one semester of their academic program at Geneva College for military service must reapply for readmission to Geneva College using the Readmission Application, found at Registrar Downloads.
Geneva College will not knowingly deny any applicant on the basis of his/her application for membership in, or service in or related to the United States Armed Forces. However, all other admission requirements including academic requirements, personal worthiness, etc. must be met for the student to be admitted to Geneva College.
We highly recommended that you CONSULT YOUR ADVISOR regarding any schedule changes.
ADDS: Credits beyond 18 will result in extra tuition charges.
DROPS: NEVER drop below 12 credits per semester without consulting your advisor. In addition to academic repercussions, this could affect or negate financial aid, athletic eligibility, and health insurance.
Attention Federal Financial Aid recipients: Be advised that courses not needed for your program(s) of study are not eligible for federal financial aid. Please consult with your advisor if your Advising Worksheet on indicates that you are enrolled in classes listed under Additional Coursework.
The Geneva College chapel program is designed to serve as an integral part of the College’s educational mission and will serve as a weekly devotional time for the entire College community. Chapel is held each Wednesday, during the semester from 10:10-11:00 a.m. in Metheny Fieldhouse, and is designed to provide an opportunity for the campus to gather together to praise God, hear His word, and seek His favor and direction. Attendance is mandatory for full-time students, although up to 4 chapels may be missed in any given semester. Please see Geneva College’s web page (under Faith) for information regarding chapel exemption for student teachers, credit bearing internships, off campus study and commuter students who are not scheduled for class before 12:20 on Wednesdays.